Houston Real Estate News

How to Avoid Being House Poor
Buying a home is exciting. If you’re young, it gives you the sense of finally stepping into the adult world. If you’re at some other life change (marriage, starting a family, empty-nester) the idea of a larger (or smaller) space…

Your True Colors
Much of the fun of owning a home is decorating it to your taste and personality. Even on a low budget, subtle or dramatic changes to color can make your home truly yours. Check out these color schemes for this…

Should “Hidden” Costs of Buying a Foreclosure Keep me
While the housing market in most places certainly has improved and the number of foreclosed homes on the market has decrease, they will always be foreclosed homes available for purchase. Because of popular television show on house “flipping” and investment…

Landscaping: A Key to Selling Your Home
When you meet someone for the first time – what do you notice? If you’re like many of us, that initial impression is largely determined by outside appearance. Believe it or not, that concept rings true with your home,…