It is a well documented fact that Houston is a little slice of Heaven. We know. We are keeping track. Below you will find a small sample of the awesomeness that is Houston, Texas. Feel free to add to the archives at #BoomHouston, via Twitter.
Takeout city: Houston cracks list of cities with most ethnic cuisines [via CultureMap Houston] The giving city: Houston charities ranked second in the nation by watchdog [via CultureMap Houston] Houston Bucket List -- 100 Things To Do in Houston Before You Die [via Houston Press] Houston ranks among top 5 cities for small businesses [via Houston Business Journal] Experience Houston at night via time-lapse magic [via Houston Chronicle]
Funnel Tunnel, a 180ft long temporary civic art sculpture by Houston-based artist Patrick Renner made of steel and reclaimed wood, located near Montrose and West Gray. Photo via Pinterest Repinned from Ed Benyon