Houston Heights Market Update – May 2012
Below you will find the most recent data on home sales and prices for the Greater Houston Heights area of Houston, Texas, which includes great neighborhoods such as Houston Heights....

Timbergrove / Lazybrook Market Update – May 2012
Below you will find the most recent data on home sales and prices for the Timbergrove and Lazybrook neighborhoods in Houston, Texas. If you are interested in receiving monthly Hous....

10 Big Home Buying Missteps
Home Sellers don’t have a 365 day return policy like Zappos.com. You can’t simply try the house on for a few months and see how you like it. When you buy a home, it i....

Using the Power of Price Points When Selling Your Home
So you are ready to list your home and your Realtor has put together a market analysis. He or she may have given you a maximum price range that they believe is the top end of the....

7 Selling Incentives to Motivate Buyers
Some home sales need extra incentives to get buyers off the fence. Below you will find a sample of the possible incentives that might entice a buyer to make an offer. Which incen....

Timbergrove / Lazybrook Market Update – April 2012
Below you will find the most recent data on home sales and prices for the Timbergrove and Lazybrook neighborhoods in Houston, Texas. If you are interested in receiving monthly Hous....