10 Reasons We Love Houston
Affordability Compared with other major US cities, the cost of living is relatively low. You can still find affordable housing within a short commute to the major business and cu....

Pros and Cons of Having Your Houston Home Inspected Prior to Listing
Hiring a home inspector to crawl thru your home prior to listing it on the market can be a good idea or a bad idea. It really depends on your knowledge of the condition of your h....

How a Recent Home Sale Helped Us Develop Our Turnkey Listing Package
Ms. Smith had lived on Tannehill Dr in Timbergrove Manor since the home was built in 1964. Like many of the original home owners in the neighborhood, her home needed a little more ....

Six Questions to ask your next listing agent
So you’re ready to hire a real estate agent to sell presumably one of your largest assets? Do you have a plan to find the right agent for you and your home? Or do you plan ....

Helping People Around the World Obtain or Improve Their Housing
Norhill Realty is committed to donating a portion of the proceeds for our home sales to help people around the world obtain or improve their housing. Using the non-profit microfi....

Why Wait? Do Your Spring Cleaning in February
Let’s face it: the last thing you want to do on a beautiful spring day is stay inside with a dustpan and broom. So, what better time to get your home organized than winter? Febru....