Where to live in Houston from $500k to $750K
Houston has some great luxury neighborhoods. From hip, urban communities to kid-friendly, family neighborhoods, Houston has a plethora of choices from $500K to $750K. I could spe....

New Timbergrove area restaurant makes Top 10 list
More evidence that Timbergrove Manor is one of the best neighborhoods in Houston. El Gran Malo made Houston Press’ annual top 10 new restaurant in Houston. I’ve partook....

Houston Real Estate Market Report
Norhill’s Houston quarterly housing report is here. The Houston home market continues to remain strong and home prices continue to move positively Furthermore, we may be fina....

5 Things you must know before selling a home in Museum Park
Every neighborhood has its own quirks and idiosyncrasies, Houston’s Museum Park is no different in this regard. In fact, Museum Park probably has a few more than most. B....

Houston First-time Home Buyer Step # 2: Set your Budget
Once your lender has confirmed your pre-approval and you have reviewed your loan program options, the next step is to set your budget. Even though your lender may be able to appr....

Rice Military Market Update – July 2011
Below you will find the most recent data on home sales and prices for the neighborhoods near the Washington Corridor in Houston, Texas, including Rice Military, Sawyer Heights, C....