Early Spring Landscaping
Bulbs, tubers, perennials and indigenous plants beautify your home and give year-round enjoyment for decades to come. If you bought your home in the fall or winter, you may not kno....

Should I Buy a Foreclosed House?
As a result of the housing bubble and resulting financial instability, many communities have a high rate of foreclosed homes. Even though the rate of new foreclosures is slowing, t....

Are there Holes in Your Homeowner’s Insurance?
You bought your new house, put in new carpet and just had your custom-made sofa delivered when you find the drainage pipes have backed up. Your in-laws will be here tomorrow, so yo....

House or Condo?
One of the big decisions facing homebuyers is whether to purchase a home, or to buy a condominium. Just to be clear, as used here, a condominium is a type of housing where a buyer ....

Hosting a Moving Sale
You know you do not want to take all of your old stuff to your new place. Chances are, you are planning to host a sale. Garage sale, yard sale, estate sale, rummage sale … no mat....

Loan Options with Low Downpayments
U.S. economists expect 2015 to be a strong year for housing. What this means to you is that more homes are selling and the supply of available homes is decreasing. This also means ....