Is Flipping Houses a Good Idea These Days?
Just ahead of the housing bubble, flipping houses was an investor pass-time. As home prices started to rise, many would-be real estate moguls bought houses to flip hoping that the ....

How Important are Rain Gutters to Home Maintenance?
If you’ve owned a home for a while, you know that water entering the home can be at least a hassle and at worst a cause of major destruction. Not only should keeping water fr....

Three Home Safety Features You Should Keep Up To Date
In the midst of all the summer activities, there are a few things you should add to your to-do list to keep you and your family safe in your home. Here are three: Fire Extinguisher....

How to Avoid Being House Poor
Buying a home is exciting. If you’re young, it gives you the sense of finally stepping into the adult world. If you’re at some other life change (marriage, starting a f....

Your True Colors
Much of the fun of owning a home is decorating it to your taste and personality. Even on a low budget, subtle or dramatic changes to color can make your home truly yours. Check out....

Should “Hidden” Costs of Buying a Foreclosure Keep me from Buying One?
While the housing market in most places certainly has improved and the number of foreclosed homes on the market has decrease, they will always be foreclosed homes available for pur....