Below you will find the most recent data on home sales and prices for the Museum Park section of Houston, Texas. If you are interested in receiving monthly Houston and Museum Park real estate news updates, then sign up for our RSS feed to receive instant updates. For more information about Museum Park and to view past market updates, click here. Or email use at
Homes Sold
17 homes sold in Museum Park in the month of May, 6 of which were detached homes and 11 that were either condos or townhomes. Overall, this is slightly up from the 14 total homes that were sold in May of 2010.
Active Listings
There are 126 properties currently on the market, 34 detached homes and 92 townhomes/condos. In May, 41 new listings came on the market and 19 sellers decided to reduce their price.
Home Prices
The current median home price in Museum Park is $250,000, up slightly from $249,700 during the same period last year. Median home prices for townhomes/condos dropped significantly, falling 18% from this time last year.