Below you will find the most recent data on home sales and prices for the neighborhoods near the Washington Corridor in Houston, Texas, including Rice Military, Sawyer Heights, Cottage Grove, and Hogan's Landing. If you are interested in receiving monthly Houston and Washington Corridor news updates, then sign up for our RSS feed to receive instant updates. Or email us at
Homes Sold36 homes sold in the Washington Corridor in the month of January, 18 detached homes and 18 townhomes/condos. This is up from last January, which saw 28 total sales. 9 of the properties sold were new construction, which matched the January 2010 number.
Active ListingsThere are 507 properties currently on the market, 295 detached homes and 212 townhomes/condos. In January, 129 of the 92 listings are new listings and 106 of the sellers have reduced their price.
Home PricesOver the past 12 months, the median sales price for detached properties have risen 1% to $320,000. Townhomes/Condominiums have risen to $271,000, a 1% increase as well.

The Washington Corridor is the new place to live and play in the city of Houston. Some of the trendiest bars, bistros, and gastro-pubs make the West End their home. The residents of this area love the close proximity to Memorial Park, Downtown, and the Galleria. This area has seen a lot of residential and retail development over the past 10 years and this trend continue.